Getting Some in the Trailer Boulders

I have taken to the world of rope access technician (RAT) work. The pay is outstanding, the views can be stunning, the work is interesting and strenuous. I like. Only thing that is not so grand is the travel to some of these places and being away from Bozeman and my good life there. This new career path is opening some wonderful doorways into the future. Making enough cash to peace out for the winter being numero uno. I see myself doing some nice international travel for work in the coming years and taking some wonderful vacations. Of course I will have to buy a bunch of shit too. You know. Flatscreens, RVs, dirtbikes, and the rest of the garbage. ----Serious Sarcasm Alert---
Two of the beautiful ladies of my life

To all of you who read this: thank you, but what are you doing sitting inside or staring at your "smart" phone. As the late Bean Bowers said: "Go do something wild today". Hell Yes!
Remember what you live for

later gators
Excellent photos as always! But I disagree with your sentiment that nobody wants to read your "boring" TRs! I'll always prefer reading localized TRs by blue collar badasses getting it done to some shitty, made-to-order Climbing article covering the latest in aimless globetrotting.