The Lines, The Lines

Keeping it Safe

I love the climbing game, but its rapid transformation into a total ego-driven, me, me sport has really put a bad taste on my palette. Everywhere I look there is another climber posing down, trying to get noticed for 15 seconds. Get over it everyone. Putting your digits and limbs in some granite or sandstone crack or crimping on a dime edge for a pitch and then sitting on your duff for an hour to catch your breath and eat some shitty food is not that impressive. Wiring routes after 15 goes. That is so amazing...almost like an idiot savant counting cards. On-sight it if you can, give 100 percent and after 5 tries maybe wait till you are good enough. At least in skiing everyone has long ago realized that its a glam sport for the white privileged class. Climbers are still running around acting like they are living in the Golden Age. Get over it and get a life. The most inspiring climbers to me are the ones capable of climbing hard while at the same time maintaining a life (i.e., relationships, children, being an athlete, work, ethical living).
We leave for British Columbia in a few days. Backcountry skiing is on the menu for 10 days. To say I am excited is an obvious understatement. I am beyond stoked. Do not worry I will bring my camera on every outing and try and actually post while traveling. A little ego-driven mania for myself. At least I will have Zana by my side keeping it real. She really does not care what you do.
Peace to the homies and remember....."Today I didn't even have to use my A.K. I got to say it was good day."