A lazy art critic

The storms around Bozeman have been infrequent at best. This is how January can be in Bozeman. Its often best not to check the snow amounts in Cooke City at this time. That is a sure way to madness. I got down to the Hebgen Lake area (aka The Chicken Shack) three times in the course of 7 days last week. West Yellowstone has been getting hit consistently with moderate snowfall. Adding that with cooler temps and little wind and some sweet, sweet powder skiing is on reserve.
We choose to return to a pocket south of the Sanchez Bowl that I call the Trident. Very little traffic and the best fall-lines in the entire zone. All you have to pay is a steep and stout 1800' final skin that can be repeated numerous time and a track is never crossed.
Entering the Trident

Pillow lines coming in (Up)


Good Line

Across the bottom of Sanchez

This ain't no rando-race bitches

Sky Pilots