I'm finally getting around to a blog post. Life is damn busy here in Bozeman. Between working my job and dealing with the idiotic dramas of my employees, trying to get into some kind of decent climbing shape, putting a guidebook out, having a girlfriend, and just plain maintaining, life moves pretty fast sometimes (thanks Ferris). Oh, and then it fucking snows 70"+ in the Bridgers over the course of 8 days. Damn, son.
Z absolutely killing 2000' of pureness

That was a tough 10 days. Crushed a bunch of skiing, over 50,000' of touring put in along with a full 40 hour work week. I'm just doing my best mom.
Anyhow, lurking through other photographers photos lately has led me to a new question.
Is photography as art officially dead?
I'm no professional. For christ's sake I'm running a pirated version of Photoshop circa the mid 2000s. But just cause you've got a $2,500 Nikon, Canon, whatever, Photoshop Lightroom, a sweet CPU, and lots of slack time doesn't mean you are an artist either. Lets be real. With so many people out there and the technology so readily available there are countless photos being taken that will blow you away, but the art is gone.....its becoming gadgetry supplanting imagination. I applaud any of my friends who are willing and able to sell their work. Getting out there and being in the right location still takes effort and dedication, and then milking a original/creative shot to its fullest takes patience and a good eye.
Westside Bridger Mountains May 07, 2010

Catch a Wave and In Your Face, North Boundary Bridger Bowl

Looking out into the Gallatin Valley

I'm pretty sure back in the day it took a little more work to produce shots such as these, not just a few mouse clicks. That's all I'm saying. Just trying to challenge everyone to strive for better and better work.
Good rant for me. Got to release some energy.
Formulating some plans for the weekend. Looking to get into the Beartooths to slay some ski lines and look at some potentially sweet rock.
edit: Looks like we're going to 10 Sleep for 3 days!!!